Perfect Density High Moisture Resistant Board (PDHMR)
It is the perfect substitute of plywood and right choice for application in moisture-prone areas like kitchen and bathroom. Its Manufactured from High Density Fiber with proper chemical treatment to make these boards anti-fungal and borer resistant . Its the perfect choice when it comes to doing the interior works.
Plain MDF Boards 1.9mm to 30mm
Pre-lam MDF Boards 3.2mm to 30mm
PDHMR Plain and Pre-laminated Boards 3.5mm,5.5mm, 7.5mm ,11mm ,16mm & 18mm.
- Perfect Density High Moisture Resistant Board (PDHMR)
- It is the perfect substitute of plywood and right choice for application in moisture-prone areas like kitchen and bathroom.
- Its Manufactured from High Density Fiber with proper chemical treatment to make these boards anti-fungal and borer resistant.
- It’s the perfect choice when it comes to doing the interior works.
Termite, Borer and Fungus Resistant :- PDHMR made from perfect seasoned and chemically treated prime quality timber to ensure termite, Borer & fungus resistant.
Water Resistant :- Its water resistant features ensures to use in kitchen and other moisture prone areas.
Perfect and Superior Quality :- These boards are loaded with features which are most suited for constructing strong and durable furniture.
Perfect High Density & Extra Toughness:- These boards score high on tensile strength which makes these boards durable and giving extra toughness.
Fiber Interlocking Technologies :- Its perfect and unique fiber interlocking technologies gives these boards high – bonding strength and toughness.
S. NO. PARTICULARS UNIT IS:12406 HDF GRADE-1 SPECIFICATION PDHMR (ACHIVED VALUE) 1 Density Kg/cum 800 to 900 820 to 900 2 Moisture Content % 5 to 10 5.21 3 Water Absorption 3.1 After 2 hrs. soaking % 6 4.54 3.2 After 24 hrs. Soaking Up to & including 6.0 mm % 30 7.0 to 12.0 mm % 20 18.57 13.0 to 19.0 mm % 13 11.41 20.0 mm and above % 12 4 Swelling in Water after 24 hrs. soaking 4.1 Thickness % 7 5.92 4.2 Length and Width % 0.3 0.18 5 Due to Surface Absorption in thickness after 2 hrs. soaking % 4 0.89 6 Modulus of Rupture Avg. N/sqmm 32 to 35 35.31 7 Modulus of Elasticity Avg. N/sqmm 3200 3419 8 Internal Bond Avg. 8.1 Up to 20 mm N/sqmm 0.9 1.3 8.2 Above 20 mm N/sqmm 0.8 9 Internal Bond after AWR Avg. N/sqmm 0.3 0.31 10 Screw Withdrawal Strength 10.1 Face N 1500 2692